How do advisers create an income stream from Estate planning?
The current estate planning paradigm is a blind referral to estate lawyers. It does not work, and most clients never complete their estate plan until it's too late.

Most advisers lose significant revenue opportunities in servicing their client's estate planning needs. They often spend time assisting a lawyer in providing documents or client information with no time recovery.
The current estate planning paradigm is a blind referral to estate lawyers. It does not work, and most clients never complete their estate plan until it's too late. How often did you ask clients about their estate plan for the second or third time? The simple fact is that a significant part of estate planning involves data collection and conversations with clients about their wishes and plans for the future. It is not too different from what financial advisers are doing already, and clients are willing to have those conversations with advisers they already know and trust.
It means estate planning can become an income stream for your practice and diversify your income strategy. Estate planning also allows you to start the generational wealth transfer conversation with your clients. Thus secure the business will remain at your practice when the next generation takes over.
Inherit's systems and processes make the estate planning facilitation more efficient for the client and the adviser. It identifies the activities otherwise performed by a lawyer that you can complete and charge for, leaving the lawyer to spend their time more productively ( and cost-effectively) in addressing the client's legal needs.
Our Estate planning issues report is generated based on your client's current position. It includes action items and discussion points that will help you start the conversation with your client about their testamentary wishes.
With an instant revenue stream, you can start providing estate planning services to your clients today, and there is no training required. Inherit's legal bot guides you through every step in the process, giving you the confidence that relevant questions are asked about their affairs and testamentary wishes.